I went to see Dr Chitra for the second time yesterday, 5th February 2008. We were discussing about the birth plan. So i told her my husband will be coming with me to the labour room. It would be nice to have my husband to be on my side during labour, so we can greet our newborn baby together. She also asked us if we want to bring anything inside the labour room, we said we want to bring the camera, so we can capture our newly born baby's picture. Then she asked me if I like to move around during labour and that made me thinking for awhile, hehe. I cant imagine a women moving around or running around during giving birth (that's a bit funny). Then she explained that contractions come and go every few minutes. So, she told me during the few minutes of the'gone' contractions pain, I'm allowed to move or walk around and she said that will help to make the delivery easier and faster. I also told Dr Chitra of my plan to have an epidural, but my husband is quite worried about the risks of our baby to have an assisted delivery. He asked for the best option, and Dr Chitra said the best option is for me to first have a pethidine injection and see if I can bear the pain throughout labour. But she said if the pain is unbearable for me, then she will give me an epidural. My knees grew really weak just by the thought of them inserting the needle on my spinal cord.
Anyway, I had another ultrasound and Dr Chitra said the baby has grown by 100 gm from last week. Above were prints from the ultrasound. The first picture is the picture of our baby's foot and fingers. During the scanning, i can see that our baby daughter was actually tapping her foot and i can see her fingers moving. Its as if she was dancing to a music; the feeling to see her tapping her foot, moving her fingers were really sweet that no words can explain how I feel at that moment. I can see her heart beating and her kidneys too. The second print was the print of her face and i can see her cheeks grew chubbier and she constantly put her hands on her face, near her eyes etc. My husband was there on my side during my ultrasound and he just cant stop smiling looking at the ultrasound monitor. He believed that the 'fish oil' that he made me take everyday really contributes in our baby daughter's growth and development. We really can't wait to see our little angel. Its only 3 weeks away and it feels forever...
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